Team Manager

  • Role – The role of the Team Manager is to help organize off-ice matters for the team. Team manager responsibilities include:
    • Opening a team bank account, developing team budget and determining team fee amount
    • Collecting team fee payments
    • Managing team funds
    • Assisting Head Coach in facilitating parent meeting, booking practice ice times and planning special events (team-building, tournaments, wind-up)
    • Coordinating team photos
    • Coordinating team apparel orders, distribution and collection
    • Coordinating fundraising initiatives and sponsorship, if desired
  • Time Commitment – The time commitment for team managers is substantial and varies significantly based on the level of play and the number of extra events that are planned.   Time commitment fluctuates throughout the season, with the first few weeks of the season being busier (approximately 5-10 hours per week), and the remainder of the season being reasonable (1-3 hours per week).
  • Training – Like coaches, Team Managers must have up to date Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders certification by December 1.

Please complete this form if you are interested in becoming a team manager.


Team Management

Ice Booking

Team Photos

Code of Conduct

Team Uniforms and Apparel

