Hello Officials,

Well, we have made it to December in what has been a weird and busy 2021-2022 season. We are persevering through no-handshakes, vaxx card entry, the spectre of cancelled games, and an officials shortage.

Thank you to the officials who are working games to make sure players can play, coaches coach, and fans cheer. Thank you to the mentors who are ensuring that first-year officials can develop their basic skills to have success. Much appreciation also goes out to the mentors working with the officials not in their first year. Those officials have needed to develop their skills quickly as some have been asked to move up to higher levels to fill in the holes caused by retirements, promotions, and a lost 2020-2021 development year.

Yes, it has been a challenging season. There is an adventure to be had between now and the end of playoffs, but we can do this! Onwards and upwards. Now, here are some words of thanks passed on from parents, coaches and non-officials.

The APSJ Officiating Administration Team