(SJAMHA will be sending all members a message in the very near future about possible future programming)

Effective January 30, 2021 the Board of Directors and Executive Members of Hockey Winnipeg have made the difficult decision to cancel the remainder of the 2020/2021 Regular Hockey Season and Playoffs.  This directive excludes those teams that participate in provincially run leagues.

It has always been the hope of Hockey Winnipeg to return to scheduled league play, however the current restrictions, timelines and ice availability does not make that feasible.  This decision is not closing the door on hockey this year, just Hockey Winnipeg regular season and playoff games.  This will allow for Area Associations within Hockey Winnipeg to provide local programming for the balance of the season as public health restrictions may allow.

Hockey Winnipeg and our Area Associations will be working to provide fair refunds to our members over the next few months.  The refunds will be pro-rated based upon the amount of activity that has taken place and what activity can be offered at the local level once restrictions allow. Some fees are not recoverable (such as try-out fees where try-outs have taken place, player insurance, etc.) and those fees will not be refunded.  Should refunds be provided, they will be distributed to members by the end date of a typical hockey season which is April 30th, 2021.

The Board of Directors and Executive Members of Hockey Winnipeg did not take this decision lightly and it is with heavy hearts and after lengthy discussion that we share this directive.  We would like to thank our members for being patient throughout this trying season and we regret the premature end of the 2020/2021 hockey season. We plan to support our Area Associations as much as possible with locally run programming.

Chris Hall, President – Hockey Winnipeg
Ian McArton, Executive Director – Hockey Winnipeg
