In November of 2021, the decision was made by Hockey Manitoba to push the certification deadline from December 1, 2021, to January 10, 2022. This was based on a variety of issues in the new HCR 3.0 database related to the tracking of coaching deficiencies as well as the approval of rosters. Despite the continued work with the new database, there are still too many issues that prevent our organization from effectively and efficiently enforcing this deadline.

After a review of the current situation related to the HCR 3.0 as well as issues related to the ongoing pandemic, the decision has been made to eliminate the certification deadline for the 2021 – 2022 season

Coach Certification/Deficiency Issues:

  • With the elimination of eHockey we are dealing with a situation where every single active coach, manager and safety person must create a brand-new account in the HCR 3.0 database.
  • HCR 3.0 currently has limited functionality for adding and tracking deficiencies for coaches or team staff.
  • In addition, none of the deficiencies from HCR 2.0 transferred over in the database switch, resulting in deficiencies from previous seasons being wiped from the system.
  • Without the ability to add and track deficiencies we have essentially no way to track and communicate with coaches and team staff that do not have their required certifications.
  • In order to facilitate roster approvals, certification requirements have to be set in the team setting,
    however with the current settings, we cannot set these in accordance with our regulations.

Steps Moving Forward:

  • No official certification deadline will be enforced for the 2021 – 2022 season.
  • We will continue to encourage coaches to complete their required training and will continue to run clinics until January 16, 2022.
  • Following January 16, we will no longer offer any certification clinics.
  • Any coach, manager or safety person that did not complete their required training/certification MUST complete all applicable online Hockey University or Respect in Sport courses.
  • There will be no deficiencies tracked this season, nor will there be any deficiency fines charged to
    associations with coaches that did not complete their required training.

With the difficulties that we have faced over the last 19 months, we are continuing to push towards a more normal experience for our athletes, coaches, team staff and officials. We feel that making the changes outlined above will lessen the burden on our volunteers and allow for a smoother return in the administrative process required for successful minor hockey.